大学英语读书笔记Sherlock Holmes and Watson

时间:2025-03-04 08:37:29
大学英语读书笔记Sherlock Holmes and Watson[此文共27字]

第一篇:Sherlock Holmes and bao zheng

Sherlock Holmes and bao zheng

although living in different period of history,Sherlock Holmes and bao zheng are well known by the masses. both of them are famous detectives. they find out the true of many kinds of difficult cases. Holmes calls himself as “consultative detective”, and bao zheng is called justice bao. however, they have different motivation for solving cases, and the characters of them are disparate. but it cannot be denied that the two characters are clever, careful and good at thinking.

first, they do not have the same motivation for clearing up a case. it is his interesting that impels Holmes to solve cases. thus, he is waiting for criminal happening so that he can totally express his ability. at that time, the government officials and other detectives will turn to him for help if they meet difficulties in the cases. however, bao zheng is different. as a imperial court official, bao spares no efforts to work for publics and what he does is considering the interests of people. in one case, bao put his nephew to death. it means he justices any cases without personal relations and really does everything for common people.

second, the characters of them are disparate. Holmes’ temperament is cool, solitary. he does not want to show his

achievements to people. he only has one assistant--dr. john h.Watson. meanwhile, he is always keeping his own viewpoints and something of proud. but bao is warm. he has many assistants, for instance, zhan zhao、gong sun ce. in many situations, bao will communicate with them, discuss, analyse and search for opinions about the cases. he is good at team working.

third, both of them are clever. when they meet puzzles in a case,they will think of it in many aspects. Holmes is good at solving problems by observation and using deductive method, which is very famous. bao does well in observation as well. in many times, some small clues will make a great contribution to find the truth.

although, Sherlock Holmes and bao zheng live in different history background and they have many differences and similarities, both of them are famous detectives and they have been remembered deeply by the masses.

第二篇:Sherlock Holmes and the sport of kings

Sherlock Holmes and the sport of kings

horse racing is very popular in england, among the rich. that’s why it is also called ‘the sport of kings’. people put bets on their favourite horse and when the horse wins, they can get a lot of money. but what happens when the favourite horse is missing?

silver blaze was a famous racehorse and his trainer was john straker, a good man and wonderful with horses. but one night,

someone killed him and silver blaze disapeared. mr. ross, the owner of silver blaze was very worried and asked Sherlock Holmes for help. and so Sherlock Holmes and his friend dr Watson began looking for clues.

detectives must see, hearis the favourite for a big race in a week′time, and his owner, mr. poss,is hoping to win this race. but first ,he needs to find his horse. there is also a dead man in the case.his name is john straker, silver blaze′s trainer. his wife found his body in the mud not far from the stables. and inspector gregory needs to find the killer.

there were three stable boys. two of them went to the trainer's house for dinner, but the third one, ned hunter, stayed in the stables with the horses. a servant girl carried his dinner, hot meat curry to him. a stranger asked them about the horses but they didn't answer. the next day, they found ned hunter sleeping deeply. someone put opium in his dinner. who? later, Holmes and Watson found a box of matches, a small piece of candle, some papers for a mr. darbyshire and a small, thin knife. it was an eye knife. how strange! ‘ why did straker take this knife?' Holmes asked, ‘ it's not good for fighting.' he thought carefully for some time and talked to john straker's wife. then he began to

the killer of john straker was silver blaze, the racehorse. straker needed money for a lady called mrs. darbyshire, so he put big bets against silver blaze. that night, he secretly took the horse out of the stable and wanted to make a small cut in its tendon. he wanted silver blaze fail in winning the race. what a dishonest man! but silver blaze

was clever and before straker could make the cut, the horse kicked him very hard on his head and killed him.

understand. so, Holmes and Watson went to walk around. they found that there was another stable near. maybe silver blaze was there! and it was there but in a different color! Holmes talked to mr. brown, the trainer in the stables and mr. brown admitted that he found the horse near his stable early in the morning. so everything was clear for Holmes. he knew what has happened

Sherlock Holmes is very smart.he needs many money.he is so fun. i think this story is very good.i like it very much. Sherlock Holmes is very smart.

1887.12 a study in scarlet1890.2 the sign of four1891.7 a scandal in bohemia1891.8 the red-headed league1891.9 a case of identity1891.10 the boscombe valley mystery1891.11 the five orange pips1891.12 the man with twisted lip1892.1 the blue carbuncle1892.2 the speckled band1892.3 the engineer's thumb1892.4 the noble bachelor1892.5 the beryl coronet1892.6 the copper beeches1892.12 silver blaze1893.2 the yellow face1893.3 the stockbroker's clerk1893.4 the "gloria scott"1893.5 the musgrave ritual1893.6 the reigate squires1893.7 the crooked man1893.8 the resident patient1893.9 the greek interpreter1893.10~11 the naval treaty

1893.12 the final problem

1901.8~1902.4 the hound of the baskervilles

1903.1 the empty house1903.11 the norwood builder1903.12 the dancing men1904.1 the solitary cyclist1904.2 the priory school1904.3 black peter1904.4 charles augustus milverton1904.5 the six napoleons1904.6 the three students1904.7 the golden pince-nez1904.8 the missing three quarter1904.9 the abbey grange1904.12 the second stain1893.1 the cardboard box1908.9~10 wisteria lodge

1908.12 the bruce-partington plans

1910.12 the devil's foot

1911.3~4 the red circle

1911.12 the disappearance of lady frances carfax1913.12 the dying detective1917.9 his last bow1914.9~1915.5 the valley of fear1921.1 the adventure of the mazarin stone1922.2 the adventure of thor bridge1923.3 the adventure of the creeping man1924.1 the adventure of the sussex vampire1925.1 the adventure of the three garridebs1925.2 the adventure of the illustrious client1926.1 the adventure of the three gables1926.11 the adventure of the blanched soldier1926.12 the adventure of the lion's mane1927.1 the adventure of the retired colourman1927.2 the adventure of the veiled lodger1927.4 the adventure of schoscombe old

第三篇:Sherlock Holmes

Sherlock Holmes

people all over the world recognize the face, hat and pipe of the nineteenth-century detective Sherlock Holmes. Holmes had his own methods, which were more advanced than those of the police of his time. from the colour of a man's face, Holmes deduced(推断) that he had lived abroad for many years. from a man's clothes, he could tell if he lived in the town or in the country.

Holmes's friend, dr. Watson, could never understand how the detective reached his conclusions.

“how did you find the answer?” he asked. Holmes claimed(声称)that his methods were easy.

“elementary, my dear Watson,” he answered. Holmes lived at 22 l b, baker street, in london. today, this house is photographed by tourists. but in fact, the famous detective did not exist, except in fiction (小说).

he was created by a marl called sir arthur conan doyle. doyle was a doctor, and Holmes's methods were based on those of a colleague(同事). this man deduced many things about his patients' lives when he examined them.

the first Sherlock Holmes stories were written in the 1880s. they were published monthly in a magazine. later, they were made into books. the detective became very popular, and conan

doyle in his next story, Holmes would die. so Holmes was killed by an enemy. he was pushed into a waterfall.

but the public protested(抗议) ;and conan doyle had to revive(使复活)his hero.

the return of Sherlock Holmes was written in 1905, and told how Holmes had escaped from the waterfall.

第四篇:Sherlock Holmes and the circus of fear book report

Sherlock Holmes and the circus of fear book report

by doris

today i finished the book-Sherlock Holmes and the circus of fear. this is the second detective story i have read about Sherlock Holmes. just like the first one i read-Sherlock Holmes and the death theater, the book is written by anwar andrews instead of the authentic author-conan doyle.

the story happened in the late 19th century in england. the main characters include Sherlock Holmes, the famous detective; dr john Watson, a doctor and the friend of Holmes; lord george sanger, a circus owner.

at the beginning of the book, the circus owner sanger turns to Holmes for help. the animals in his circus have died one after another and there have happened many accidents. what was stranger was that sanger would receive anonymous letters ahead of time. why did so many terrorist events happen in this circus? who was the murder? according to all kinds of details, Holmes uses his excellent reference skills, courage, and sharp observation talent to investigate the case. step by step, he finds the fact of all the terrorist things. however, things are far from that simple. in the next chapter, with the death of sanger, the story goes to the highlight. what’s the secret hidden behind the death? finally, Holmes manages to find out the truth about sanger’s death as well as a bombshell concerning national treasure.

actually, i don’t like this novel very much. on reading the book, i find it difficulty focusing on the story, because the author spends too many words describing the performances and characters in the circus, which almost drives me to sleep! also, i

think the plot isn’t very attractive, with little suspense. so i think this story is not as good as the first one i read. nonetheless, there are still some advantages which i appreciate very much. for example, i like this paragraph: he(Holmes)was earnest, though. “Watson, i shall keep bees and meditate, and write at least a dozen monographs. i already have my eye upon a farm cottage with an acre or two in sussex, not far from eastbourne, yet far enough for that distance to insulate me from the hordes of mankind.” the reason why i like this paragraph is that it shows Holmes’s longing for a peace life, and it really touches me.

well, another adventure comes to an end. Sherlock Holmes is bound to live a risky life no matter how he wants to live in seclusion. so next time, he will also guide me to a mysterious world, i believe.

第五篇:memoirs of Sherlock Holmes

memoirs of Sherlock Holmes

----adventureⅱ the yellow face. by arthur conan doyle as we all know, is a famous detective novels, which is composed by many stories of Sherlock Holmes. adventure ⅱthe yellow face told us a strange story and theme: a gentleman called jack munro wanted Sherlock Holmes help him to solve a puzzling problem between his wife and him. the husband jack found his wife effie always does some eccentric things. and Sherlock Holmes succeeded in solving it by his wisdom.

the protagonists of adventure ⅱthe yellow face, in my opinion, are jack and Holmes. at the beginning of the story, mr. doyle writes: “there’s been a gentleman here asking for you, sir”, said our page-boy.” and when the husband jack is telling his story, mr. Holmes also asked jack many sharp and puzzling questions, which leads this passage to the climax.

second, as to antagonists of this passage, i think, is his wife effie and the mysterious child. the story described his wife effie went outside in the midnight secretly, which caused jack very disturbed and restless. arthur conan doyle writes: “she was deadly pale and breathing fast, glancing furtively towards the bed, as she fastened her metal, to see if she had disturbed me.” it obviously gives readers and mr. Holmes conflicts, also makes the story developing

naturally. with the development of the story, another antagonist comes out, who is the yellow face. in the story: “i don’t know what there was about that face, mr. Holmes, but it seemed to send a chill right down my back.” many conflicts between husband and wife, jack and the yellow face, give readers the image of unexpected fear and tension.

analyzing this famous detective novels, we can find that mr. doyle introduces the feature and habits of husband—jack by his amber pipe. certainly, it is described in logical deduction of Sherlock Holmes. after appearing of jack, the story is gradually told by jack. when jack is discussing his wife’s behavior with Holmes, it comes to exciting climax. and when Holmes decided to solve this problem with jack, the story is coming to peak. after all the doubts are solved, the story comes to the end.

“well, i should put the original cost of the pipe at seven and six pence. now it has, you see, been twice mended, once in the wooden stem and once in the amber, each of these mends, done, as you observe. with silver bands, must have cost more than the pipe did originally. the man must value the pipe highly when he prefers to patch it up rather than buy a new one with the same money.” when readers read it , we have to appreciate the wisdom of Sherlock Holmes, and want to read the future story, which gives the

story a beautiful and charming beginning.

in the detective novels, we have to mention a literary technique—fore shadowing. expect the end, we can see this important skill everywhere. “jack says: ‘i wanted your advice sir, i don’t know what to do and my whole life seems to have gone to pieces.’” and mr. doyle writes the story of effie: “‘no, no jack, for god’s sake!’ she gasped, in uncontrollable emotion. then, as i approached the door, she seized my sleeve and pulled me back with convulsive strength.” all these give hints to future unexpected actions and story, which also attract the reader’s attention to next page.

the other literary technique is his point of view---1st person. actually, memoirs of Sherlock Holmes is written in the memory of Watson. Watson tells about the story of Sherlock Holmes—his best friend.

totally is the classic of represents of Sherlock Holmes detective novels. when you are reading these detective novels, you will feel the power of Sherlock Holmes and also appreciate his unbelievable wisdom and deductions.

《大学英语读书笔记Sherlock Holmes and Watson[此文共27字].doc》
